Are you a victim?
Does your partner:
- V erbally insult, demean or threaten you?
- I solate you from friends, family or other people? Do they become excessively jealous, possessive and/or angry in attempt to control you?
- O rganize schedules to follow or harass you?
- L imit your mobility or access to money and/or other resources?
- E xplode into a rage and abusive behaviors after using drugs and/or alcohol?
- N egate your words, abilities, ideas and actions?
- C hoke (strangulation), punch, slap, kick, pull hair, bite, throw things, abuse or damage your personal belongings or force you to have sex?
- E xcuse each attack and promise to stop?
If you answered “yes” to some of these questions, you may be in an abusive relationship.
However, you are not alone. If you need a safe place to stay, information or support, Community Referral Agencies trained advocates can help.
Call our 24/7 Crisis Line, 800-261-7233 for help.
CRA provides services to all people who are in need, regardless of their ethnicity, nationality, gender, race, religion, age or sexual orientation.
All services are free and confidential.