Safe Exchange
Safe Exchange of Polk County
Safe Exchange 715.566.4758
Office Phone: 715.825.4414
Crisis line: 1.800. 261.7233
Tips for Parents
Visitation and/or custody exchange, under any circumstances, can be a challenge for both parents.
You have your own needs and emotions, and have an established routine for yourself and your family.
Having to participate in a Safe Exchange Program can feel like one more responsibility. And because of the angry and hurt feelings, it may seem impossible to think positively about it. This is understandable.
Remember that both of you care about your children, and that in most cases, children benefit from having two parents in their lives. Here are a few suggestions that might be helpful to you:
- Read and understand your court order regarding custody and visitation
- Explain to your child how and where the exchanges will take place
- Have your child at the location on time
- Respect the relationship your child has with the other parent
- Avoid quizzing your child about the other parent’s activities and relationships
- Remember that your child is not a messenger to the other parent
- Provide your child’s belongings including clothes and medication, also favorite personal objects, such as blankets, stuffed animals
- Make sure the belongings your child brought to your home are returned to their other Home
- Be objective and non-critical of the other Parent.
CRA provides services to all people who are in need, regardless of their ethnicity, nationality, gender, race, religion, age or sexual orientation.
All services are free and confidential.